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Computer awareness 7.

Very important questions for Bank exams like SBI IBPS RRB, SSC, CG VYAPAM, CG PSC 

1. Who developed integrated chip?
(1) Robert Nayak
(2) C Babbage
(3) JS Kilby
(4) CV Raman
(5) None of these

2. Speed of third generation computer is
(1) milli sec
(2) micro sec
(3) nano sec
(4) pico sec
(5) None of these

3. Artificial intelligence is an example of
(1) first generation computer
(2) second generation computer
(3) third generation computer
(4) fourth generation computer
(5) fifth generation computer

4. First super computer of the world is
(1) CRAY-1
(3) Tianhe-2
(4) IBM-370
(5) HP-9OOO

5. A ....... is a microprocessor-based computing device.
(1) mainframe
(2) personal computer
(3) supercomputer
(4) analog computer
(5) none of the above

6. First computer of India is
(2) Siddharth
(3) IBM-370
(4) CRAY-1
(5) None of these

7. Choose the odd one out.
(1) Microcomputer
(2) Minicomputer
(3) Supercomputer
(4) Digital computer
(5) Notebook computer

8. Which of the following options correctly
expresses the meaning of the term ‘PCs’?
(1) Independent computers for all working staff
(2) Personal computers widely available to individual workers with which they can access information from layer systems and increase their personal productivity
(3) Packed computers system formed by joining together of various computer
(4) Computer manufactured by the Pentium. Company
(5) None of the above

9. Which of the following is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working?
(1 ) Super computer
(2) Quantum computer
(3) Param-IOOOO
(4) IBM chips
(5) None of the above

10. Benefits of computers are
(1) very fast and can store huge amount of data
(2) provide accurate output either input is correct or not
(3) think about the processing
(4) All of the above
(5) None of the above

11. Name the first general purpose electronic computer.
( 5) None of these

12. The chip, used in computer, is made of
(1) chromium
(2) iron oxide
(3) silica
(4) silicon
(5) None of these

13.A desktop computer is also known as a
(1) palm pilot
(2) PC
(3) laptop
(4) mainframe
(5) None of these

14. A personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of an
(1) individual
(2) department
(3) company
(4) city
( 5) world

15. A hybrid computer is the one having the combined properties of
(1) super and micro computers
(2) mini and micro computers
(3) analog and digital computers
(4) super and mini computers

16. Which of the following uses a handheld operating system?
(1 ) A supercomputer
(2) A personal computer
(3) A laptop
(4) A mainframe
(5) A PDA

17. Analytical engine developed by
(1 ) Blaise Pascal
(2) Charles Babbage
(3) Dennis Ritchie
(4) Alan Turing
(5) None of these

18. A computer also known as server computer, is
(1 ) supercomputer
(2 ) mainframe computer
(3) minicomputer
(4) microcomputer
(5) None of the above

19. The user generally applies ...... to access mainframe or super computer.
(1) terminal
(2) node
(3) desktop
(4) hand held
( 5) None of these



2. (3)

3. (5)

4. (1)


6. (2)

7. (4)

8. (2)

9. (2)

10.  (1)

11. (3)

12. (4)

13. (2)

14. (1)

15. (3)

16 . (5)

17 . (2)

18 . (3)

19. (1)
