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Carbon and its compounds class 10th CBSE

Very important question of class 10th CBSE chemistry 

A. Very short answer type question (1 mark each)

1. Why does carbon form covalent bonds

2. Describe the structure of Graphite.

3. Allotrope of carbon contains 60 carbon atoms in its molecule. Name it.

4. Discuss the term catenation. Why does carbon show strong catenation tendency

5. What are functional groups?

6. Name the functional groups in aldehydes and ketones

 7. Write the first five members of the alkene homologous  series

8. how will you identify a hydrocarbon from its name

9. What are addition reaction give an example?

10. Name the gas evolved when sodium metal is reacted methyl with an alcohol

11. What happens when a drop of blue Litmus is added to a small quantity of an alcohol

12. Write the molecular formula of ethanoic acid.

13. Name the water attracting any ionic groups in
(A) a soap
(B) a detergent

14. Why do detergents cause water pollution

15. Inorganic compound burns with a sooty flame is it a saturated or unsaturated compound?

B. Short answer type questions ( 2 marks each)

1. Show the formation of ammonia molecule.

2. Write the general formula of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes

3. What is a substitution reaction?  give one example

4. How do alcohol differ  structurally from alkenes?  describe the basic steps involved in the preparation of ethanol from sugar.

5. What happens when ethyl alcohol and acetic acid react together in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid? write the chemical equation of the reaction

6. Why is acetic acid a weak acid?

7. Why have detergent replaced Shop as a washing agent

8. What are Easter ? write an equation to show the formation of an Ester.

Name the organic acid present in vinegar write the chemical equation which represents the commercial method for the preparation of these acid from methanol.
