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Showing posts from July, 2016

CSIR NET DECEMBER 2014 general aptitudes

Csir Net general aptitudes. Sciences part A 1. In each of the following groups of words is a hidden number, based on which you should arrange them in descending order. Pick the correct answer: E.   Papers I Xeroxed F.   Wi-Fi veteran G.  Yourself ourselves H.  Breaks even (a) E, F, G, H (b) E, G, F, H (c) H, F, G, E (d) H, E, F, G 2. Five congruent rectangles are drawn inside a big rectangle of perimeter 165 as shown. What is the perimeter of one of the five rectangles? (a) 37 (b) 75 (c) 15 (d) 165 3. At one instant, the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock are one over the other in between the markings for 5 and 6 on the dial. At this instant, the tip of the minute hand (a) is closer to the marking for 6 (b) is equidistant from the markings for 5 and 6 (c) is closer to marking for 5 (d) is equidistant from the markings for 11 and 12 4. Statement A: The following statement is true. Statement B: The preceding statement i...


CSIR NET JUNE 2014 GENERAL APTITUDES  1) Marks obtained by two students S1 and S2 in a four semester course are plotted in the following graph. Which of the following statements is true?  (a) S2 got higher marks than S1 in all four semesters (b) Over four semesters, S1 improved by a higher percentage compared to S2  (c) Total marks of S1 and S2 are equal  (d)  S1 and S2 did not get the same marks in any semester 3)  How many digits are there in  2^17 × 3^2 × 5^14 × 7 ? (a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 17 4)  A man on the equator moves along 0o longitude up to 45o N. He then turns east and moves up to 90o E, and turns to the equator along 90o E. The distance covered in multiples of Earth's radius R is (a)  (√3 ÷ 4π) R (b)  ( π ÷ 2 +  π ÷ 4√2) R (c)  (π ÷ 2 + π ÷ 2√2) R (d)  (π ÷ 4 + π ÷ √2) R 5)  On a semi-circle of diameter 10m drawn on a horizontal ground are...

PHYSICS CHAPTER 1 MOTION OF CLASS 9th numerical problems

PHYSICS CLASS 9th Numerical  problems                                                                     MOTION  Notions :  we denote physical quantities by a special and unique symbol to avoid confusion. Distance  s or d ;  and. displacement s or x  ;   time  t ;  speed v ; and   veocity v; acceleration  a; initial  velocity u; final velocit v ; average speed w ; average velocity w ;   radius of circle r; angular displacement θ ; angular velocity ω ; IMPORTANT FORMULA  : Distance travelled  =  speed × time              or             s = v × t Displacement =  velocity × time  ...


GENERAL  APPTITUDE FOR CSIR NET                                               MOTION  Notions :  we denote physical quantities by a special and unique symbol to avoid confusion. Distance  s or d ;  and. displacement s or x  ;   time  t ;  speed v ; and   veocity v; acceleration  a; initial  velocity u; final velocit v ; average speed w ; average velocity w ;   radius of circle r; angular displacement θ ; angular velocity ω ; IMPORTANT FORMULA  : Distance travelled  =  speed × time              or             s = v × t Displacement =  velocity × time         or s = v × t Average speed  =  ( total distance travelled ) ÷...

Chemical Reactions and Equations. class 10th Chemistry

CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS Chemical Reaction :- “Chemical reactions are the process in which new substances with new properties are formed.” A chemical reaction represents the change of the species ( atoms or molecules ) taking part in the reaction into new species. A substances which take part in the chemical reaction are called reactants . A new substances produced as a result of chemical reaction is called products . Some examples of chemical reaction Souring of milk, Cooking of food, Rusting of Iron, Ripening of food, Burning of foods etc. Characteristic Feature Of Chemical Changes There is generally a change in colour of reacting species taking part in the change. The physical state of substance normally change. In some chemical reaction, gas may evolved. In some chemical reaction precipitate may formed. In most of chemical reaction temperature is changed. Before we go further , we should know the meaning of term ‘exothermic’ and ‘endoth...


             Inserting, Missing Term                      For CSIR NET 1) 2) 3) A) 41 B) 72 C) 23 D) 24 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Answers with explanation - 1)    (c) From first fig. 6² + 4²  = 36 + 16 = 52 From 2nd fig. 3² + 5² = 9 + 25 = 34 In the same way 8² + ?² = 68         ?² = 68 - 64 = 4          ? = 2 So ans is 2 2).     4 + 3 = 7;.        7² = 49     1 + 5 = 6;.         6² = 36     7 + 5 = 12;       12² = 144     2 + 8 = 10;       10² = 100. So ans is 100 3)    (c)  From first column 10+5+6 = 21;  21 *...


           -:  Very Short Answer Questions :- Q1. Name the Cellular organelle where the following processes occur a) photosynthesis b) cellular aerobic respiration. Q2. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food ? Q3. What is the role of acid in our stomach ? Q4. Give any two functions of stomata Q5. which substance is absorbed in large intestine ? Q6. what is the function of bile ? Q7. what are the end products of anaerobic respiration in yeasts? Q8. what are the end products of aerobic respiration ? Q9. which equipment is used to facilitate breathing during serious breathing problem ? Q10. Is there any partition between the root hair and the cell to which it is attached. Q11. What is the total area for gaseous exchange in lungs of normal adult man ? Q12. What is the vital capacity of lungs? Q13. Name the conducting tissues of plant. Q14. Write any important function of transpiration. Q15. Where are h...

Life Process , Biology class 10th very important questions and answers

Life Process Very Important   Questions With Answers  Q.1  what do you mean by PHAGOCYTOSIS?  Q.2.  Name the mode of nutrition in plasmodium and round warms. Q.3  Name the pigment which can absorb solar energy. Q.4  How Amoeba engulf it's food? Q. 5  what is the mode of nutrition in fungi? Q.6  what is the mode of nutrition in human being? Q.7  where does digestion of fat take place in our body? Q.8  which part of roots is involved in exchange of respiratory gases? Q.9  what is respiration? Q.10. What is breathing? Q11. What is the name of largest artery in our body? Q.12. What make red blood corpuscles(RBC) red ? Q.13. Name any two types of pigments present in the plants which can be absorb sunlight energy. Q14. State the term used for the transport of food from leaves to other parts of a plants. Q.15. Name the excretory units present in a...